WESTFIELD – Westfield City Councilor Dan Allie filed a motion for a resolution opposing a lithium battery storage facility in Westfield next to the Barnes Aquifer, the city's drinking water supply. Why would anyone in Westfield want a lithium battery storage facility over the aquifer, when a fire would release large amounts of poisonous gases and toxic pollution, including PFAS into our air and millions of gallons of water into the ground over the aquifer?
I invite residents attend the Council meeting on Monday, December 9th at 7 PM in council chambers.
Would we tell people if a future event threatened our drinking supply that we hoped nothing would ever happen? We must say no to this project. A video of the hearing is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HKlKVc4Qbo Public comments begin at 38 minutes.
A fire in a lithium battery storage unit cannot be extinguished and must be allowed to burn itself out, taking about 48 hours. Millions of gallons of water are sprayed around the container to keep fire from igniting other containers. Westfield residents will not benefit from the electricity since the city has its’ own electric company.
Westfield, MA - On December 19, the Westfield City Council voted unanimously to pass a resolution opposing the Mass. Department of Public Utilities from exempting a proposed lithium battery storage facility by Jupiter Power of Texas from the city’s Water Protection District zoning ordinance. The Planning Board voted to send a letter by City Planner Jay Vinskey opposing the project on December 17. The resolution was signed by Mayor McCabe on December 20.
The proposed facility consists of 219 stand-alone containers located partially over the Barnes Aquifer, Westfield’s drinking water supply, as well as the recharge area for both Westfield and the Town of Southampton.
A failure in one unit poses a significant threat to the environment, first responders and residents. A fire cannot be extinguished and must be allowed to burn itself out, taking over 48 hours, and requiring possibly millions of gallons of water sprayed to keep surrounding containers cool. A fire releases toxic pollution and smoke including PFAS into the air, combining with water seeping into the ground.
According to City Councilor Dan Allie, councilors were concerned the scheduling for DPU public comment hearing on December 5th at Westfield State University did not give sufficient notice to Westfield residents or city councilors and calls into serious question just how transparent this process is. Jupiter Power’s application, with 5000 pages of supporting documents was hand delivered on November 19th. City councilors were notified and notices were posted in the basement of city hall and library on Tuesday, November 26th, two days before Thanksgiving.
The hearing was scheduled on a night when the City Council normally meets. Meetings had to be rescheduled so council members could attend hearing. The deadline for public comment ended on December 20.
The stored electricity will not benefit the residents of Westfield since we own our electric utility and no amount of money is worth risking our city’s drinking water.
Westfield, MA – Former Westfield State Representative Steve Pierce has endorsed candidate for State Representative and City Councilor Dan Allie for the seat Pierce once held from 1978 to 1991.
I have known Dan Allie since 1990 when I ran for Governor and 1991 when I ran for Congress. One of my fondest memories of my political life is the wonderful people from Westfield, Western Mass and across the state who helped me on my campaigns. Dan was one of the hardest working volunteers we had in Western Mass. Dan has continued to support worthy candidates and issues for thirty years.
WESTFIELD – City Councilor Dan Allie announced he is seeking the Westfield state representative seat.
Allie, chairman of the Westfield Republican Committee, made the announcement at the Feb. 15 Lincoln Day Brunch at East Mountain Country Club that he has pulled nomination papers for the November election.
The seat became open with the election of John Velis to the State Senate. “I’ve enjoyed serving the people of Westfield as a city councilor,“ Allie said, adding that he’s worked hard to listen to the concerns of residents. Allie is currently serving his fourth term as city councilor.
“A lot of issues that we deal with locally are affected by what goes on at the state level, and I would like to have the opportunity to do that as well,” he said.
WESTFIELD – Over 160 people gathered at East Mountain Country Club Feb. 15 to honor five Westfield veterans at the Lincoln Day Brunch hosted by the Westfield Republican Committee.
Local veteran’s organizations nominated the veterans honored at the event, and City Councilor Dan Allie, chair of the Westfield Republican Committee, presented the awards.
Allie presented the Veteran of the Year award to World War II veteran Richard Trusty, and Mayor Donald F. Humason, Jr. proclaimed Feb. 15, 2020 as Richard Trusty Day.
A video honoring the service of Petty Officer Trusty and remembering Pearl Harbor Survivor Robert Greenleaf, produced by Dan Allie and Peter Cowles and narrated by Christian Lent was shown.